Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tom Cruise is Right?

I'm an alien! Residing in the U.S. at times. I keep my green card, which is not really green. This is not the kind of alien I write this article. I'm irritated committed an adventurer, mitigated the growth of skepticism with an open mind. Detected during his time in Los Angeles for a few years before moving to the northwest side of Las Vegas, I heard often reported by radio that Cal Tech seismographs had the sonic boom of the Aurora aircraft back to base north of Las Vegas. It's non-existent Groom Lake AFB, which is also the non-existent S-4 and Area 51 All this non-existence became known to me, despite the official denials. Even the Aurora, which was in the details of Popular Mechanics or Science has reported non-existent. He is flying the same missions, the Blackbird was flying before it appeared on the podium in front of the San Diego Aerospace Museum. The aircraft was also non-existent and "black' budgeted. I probably had about the Hangar on Wright Patterson AFB where President Nixon was refused entry even before I arrived in Dayton, but as a skeptic, I thought it was fantastic, and I believe not to hear anything anyway. I'm still not sure that the UFO phenomena, as much to do with alien species, as people who came from the earth, are. This is pretty much the official position, as they explain their technology must be kept secret. A scientist who had worked at Wright Pat later went public and was plausibly denied in the official way. Recently I saw a credible woman on television who had worked there and had direct access to good evidence. After over 40 years in the Canadian militia and the time with the New York Guard Maj. my brother RJ Baird, CD, P. Eng., CIM, etc. was in a secret police organization / association, the members of most top secret alphabet soup agencies has initiated. At Wright Pat, he was allowed one question. His question was related to the contents of the hangar. The answer was: "We think, you know."

Everyone has heard about Roswell and the government's position on the radiosondes, or weather observation balloons. The Congressional panels are still in the air about what happened, and Jimmy Carter (who has publicly stated he witnessed a UFO), said he would reopen the files, but once in office, he has not always in it open to be successful. If you know what really did radiosondes, perhaps you were thinking aliens were the better option. To treat the subject fairly, it requires at least one article of its own, but let me explain briefly, Wilhelm Reich is of crucial importance to the matter. His orgone energy is like the Newtonian cosmic ether, and he was a disciple of Sigmund Freud as well as silver, a book about the alchemical symbols, even before Jung wrote. Its technology and person were from Federal agents, who later used his work abused in the radiosondes. You could change the weather just like the Druids. Serious manipulations were involved and many innocent lives were lost.

But there is good evidence of more than radiosondes from Roswell and my uncle's second wife DEA flew to Vietnam. He said he knew the pilot who flew the remains of Roswell from Atlanta to Wright Pat. We all lived in Lost Wages (Sin City, etc.) and knew people who had worked on the non-existent Groom Lake AFB Lazar or seen on Showtime TV special, so nothing would surprise us all. The symbols of government inspired awe in those who 'believe', but the mathematical realities of life in the universe exist impress me more.

Christ Consciousness and the desert in Harmony:

Norm Paulsen is one of your crazy Californians, the most sane I think. He wrote the book Christ Consciousness published in 1980 under the name Sunburst: Return of the Ancients. His encounters with various biblical passages as well as the Biblical Melchizedek Yogananda make interesting reading for Mormons about the secret society that takes them and is named after the biblical Abraham alchemist want to know the name says.

Crazy people! ... The Californian. What is it that makes them crazy and the rest of the world so carefully? Why they do so much good work? I thought you might like Deepak or Spielberg, I know, I know.

"" My Lord! As it is, after all. Wake up, everybody! "I cried. There is a ship just off the cliff!

I could hear heavy pulsating hum echo off the rocky cliffs and fill in the immediate area with sound. {Harmonics is an important science rarely taken as seriously as it should be. It may explain much about the correlation of forces in the field of physics, as we imagine it's because string theory says all energy formed from one-dimensional harmonic forces.} I yelled back to Boone, but received no answer. I continued shouting as loud as I would have hoped someone would hear me.

That was a mistake! An incredibly bright and penetrating light came into my face. It has emerged from the brightly lit side of the fuselage, which I could see very clearly now. That was it! The next thing I realized was shining, the sun in my face, as it rose in the east through the desert. Looking down, I saw that I was half of my sleeping bag. Then I began to remember what had happened. The intelligence guiding the vehicle would obviously not be seen by all. I had been trying to do just in the middle of my sleeping bag.

I looked at Daniel. "Hey, Boone, did you see it? Did you see the ship last night?"

"No, brother. I heard you scream, but when I looked, nothing was there. I remember a pulsing noise though." (This is on pages 234 & 235 of Paulsen book.)

Bruce Cathie is a good source for the spread of the harmonic light, the universal and part of the building fabric of our consciousness as well. Therefore, the supreme enlightenment and NDEs are often accompanied by white light and see how things go on faster than light, what is called naive ESP. Are near Minneola Road between Baker and Barstow are some mountains that have become my friends as I cross the "Bernstein-rays" that all the Energy Association of Castaneda and learned was involved with an adept who climb a mountain Sutra developed. It is also the place where Louis Leakey 200,000 year old arrowheads found near the shore of the Salton Sea once.

The reader is aware of Scientific American, there are five different cosmological constructs currently refined by the astrophysicists and their colleagues. In 1999 resulted in the most important data and scientific discoveries from the images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. The center of the universe, how we use basic or non-parallel dimensions visualize aside from the warp and woof of matter to antimatter (both can exist side by side), although once considered impossible that reality. I personally can not imagine there was such Adepts Mahiri Lahasi or Vivekananda, what did the Druids have been earlier. My above-mentioned master took me to one of the dimensions of her when she was dematerialized. Scientists call it dark energy and dark matter, which form 95% of the universe, while the Eastern mystics call it could Shakti "and it is full of 'siddhis' or power.

Minneola Rd meeting with a back-engineer:

To arrowheads is a progressive human culture technique that some say, result in only 8,000 years ago. By 200,000 year-old man in North America do care what you read anomalous. Nevertheless, normal science view of these possibilities as something "far out" as an alien spacecraft. Despite the high value of Louis Leakey, he was savaged and ridiculed when he went to his grave maintaining the truth. Geologist Virginia Steen-McIntyre can confirm, crucifixions still occur, as they are available abundantly and archaeologically sound evidence of the 250,000-year-old man in Hueyatlaco, Mexico and the mid-1950s, the treatment of Dr. Lee and his director of the Canadian National Museum made available should be treated like a criminal cover up the quartz mine on Manitoulin Iceland became a tourist camp built, even though all the actual science had up to 120,000-year-old documents. Quartz is very important to focus on energy and the measurement of time, as we saw in the work of the solid-state physicist Dr. Don Robins. No wonder that the Kennewick Man site was over and destroyed covered during 60 minutes could not find who authorized the act, which took place on the eve of the Congress was Bill come into force.

There is a good chance that people inhabited space aeons ago. The timing of technological development, which we since the days of the Flat Earth theory and Ussher has been taught absolutely wrong. How could the pyramid at Giza in the center of the earth's land mass, when world travel was not very accurate? The Hadji Ahmed map confirms what the ark is actually used. There was an arc transmitter, as you see in the work of the university map and navigation instructor Michael Bradley from his book Grail Knights of North America.

In the early evening just before sunset, I was returning home from Southern California in my 1994 Olds Cutlass in 1996. Minneola Rd just behind the engine stopped without warning or reason and the car rolled on top of a rarely used off-ramp probably built for military purposes. There are many bases in the desert near some near where Mr. Paulsen had his experiences south of Minneola Rd After the failed attempt at an answer out of the car I was in the process of my foot on the ground when a small car pulled up beside me. He had come from the desert and was an electronics expert. It took some time to come to the point where he is able to say some things and I know that I was both understood and was familiar with his knowledge.

He had black ops in Tonopah AFB north of Area 51 as a backup engineer worked on alien technology. This does not mean aliens are involved, because people may have been from Earth to other planets for the last 10,000 years. There is still a relevant point that all these things explained. Time travel is real. The present attitude of people like Stephen Hawking discussed, said particles or simple thing can travel through time, but complex systems will never do that. The word "never" is a joke. Last year, the speed of light was from the horizon of ignorance, if NEC 300X light speed and this is the key to time travel and all paranormal reality produces blown. A follow-up article is needed in order to clarify this point. I had a long talk with the Vice President of Research Engineering at McDonnell Douglas a year or two before the meeting. I'm project manager for alternative technology development and ISDN technosimp although I am able to expand the envelope of researchers in most fields of science. The conversation was electric.

He even wanted me to come to Central America by the time we reached Vegas and had the car in about AAA or another program will be towed. I never spoke with him again, because I already had the crew for my boat / party boat business on line. His knowledge of the Groom Lake AFB confirmed the statements of Bob Lazar on the design and interior of the structures so I knew Lazar had told the truth, while the official statements and it might be a liar were one step away to make him a true non-person . He was with my idea about the use of polarized puter ESP bandwidth was driving struck and was not sure that the McDonnell Douglas guy tell me the truth about their exploration of these possibilities. Tesla and the Unified Force Field made their appearance on a stage that a mysterious frontispiece to a treatise contains time travel, on my last wife computer after our first visit to Chichen Itza, where I do something that threatened arrived my being guided discovery with a Mexican prison in 1997. The entire "trip" made me everything I heard and made me realize that Mother Nature is not the only aspect of reality that we are not fools to lose.

Loose Ends:

My brother John and I had some heated discussions about aliens, space travel and the temporal aspects, since I first read Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain and sent away, at the Library of Congress for Russian scientist and mathematician Dr. Kozyrev time the paper . That was in the 70s and since then I have on my heels. You can be my satisfaction, when NEC has its overwhelming impact on the speed of light. The Italians had mirrors and optics are used to make the 1.25-times the speed of light in the last ten years, but this is the kicker. Time loops, affinity points, Stargates, Wormholes and the cloaking experiments of the Philadelphia Experiment had always made my brother on my mind like many others (no doubt) concerned cheesed. Because who am I? Demonstrate who can be a sheepskin that they know as much as I do shows, has always been my unspoken thought, but people pick up on really my know "it all attitudes. What is wrong with trying to learn anyway? It has always been that way with me. busybodies, Geek Egghead or if I can, I'm starting with a purpose and filled me now more dumb down to the masses.

Do at this point the uninitiated reader must be reeling and rocking like a lot of my friends for years, if I say their projections and confront them, they are there, such as know-it-alls act. I rarely engage in the testing of fragments of non-earth metal material that is flexible and strong, or one of the UFO stuff. It's all part of the credibility of management game of psy-ops Intelink or other agencies, such as SDI, to manage all Earthian thought cloning of Jose Delgado at Yale developed and further research would be employed by DIA and Dr. Michael Persinger. Read Information Warfare by Georgetown professors, if you want to get a glimpse of mainstream ethics. My brother John has found out, my mind is not more questionable now that he was forced to face the facts. Here is a list of questions, I propose that we need to all think before we go off to make babies and the implementation of our material life-matches in the competition and the vanity may be affected.

1) If it exists, the travel time for dematerialisation dimensional master of arts master - what ethics and have passed the level of the control line to the great changes of our time in the past to avoid? Dark Ages was the persecution of heretics to stop uncontrolled proliferation of such findings are aligned? Or it was used by the inner sanctum Merovingians to us "food for their table," as HRH Nicholas de Vere, says in his book, though not in his foreword to Gardner's Genesis of the Grail Kings?

2) What can each of us? Is it too late? Certainly, if Time Travel is possible that we can undo what they have done.

3) What future alliances with people like them that I was on the computer down as Barbi and I were closed in Chichen Itza in 1993 have been contacted? I'm still not sure, but how else does anything in your personal files from a computer that will come down? What is their plan and the aliens are hostile to our earth early colonizers of space? Kissinger was speaking literally or just a joke on the intergalactic brotherhood?

4) Is there ever time travel without strong dissociation as several books Montauk and the Philadelphia Experiment, there are illustrated. I know a person who has seen Al Bielek Time Machine, but I'm not sure there is more than just look like a 'Stone'. Tesla's great, great niece worked for me, and she could not say why he quit the Philadelphia Experiment, but I think he was able to see how unethical governments would use this technology. Check the origin of the RCA Corporation radio as FRR 24 known and ask how it came from what was known before developing?

5) Are we all need to stop Tachyon devices at remote hypnosis and thought cloning? Would the Church of Scientology and other organizations use these things against us, even if the DIA, 5 times the budget of the CIA would not? The independent scientific advisers do not believe that SDI is a stated goal against Korea and so has no validity.

6) What should be obvious to all observers of ethics in government and big business (Enron, BCCI, S & L, Iran / Contra, opium wars - to name just a few of the paladins of the Bush-Russell Merovingian associated name) is that no more "organized" criminals sit in the streets than in the boardroom tables or exchanges. The Economist correctly states in its Millennium issue that come with all the bureaucracy and the standing armies of Napoleon after he needed "inhuman" are.

7) The Big Lie (!) Is an effective tool to ridicule or bypass is naive, good and trustworthy people. Watch for a matrix or worse. Give serious thought about to shoot all the gurus, you need to follow them. When the movie Network said - "I'm mad as hell, and I will not take it anymore!"
Andre Malraux, the minister of propaganda for elite desires De Gaulle was in a country ruled by the Merovingians, says these interesting words.

"Art is a dialogue we have always done with the unknown. We have come to distinguish the contours of the unknown through the unconscious, through religion and magic, and we can soon begin to appreciate so very modern emotions such as feeling understand that we belong to the future, that our civilization is the sum of the other. "

This is already a truism to the adept, to tap into the akasha archetypal knowledge. Humanity is to achieve the necessary critical mass of awareness, to "make it so," as Jean Luc Picard likes to say on Star Trek? We have called the end of the training program, or at least throw it away in exchange for one that is anything other than glorified babysitting is illegally placed in an untenable situation. The hands of the teacher must not be committed and the outcome should be determined by participation and collective interests, rather than forced participation. Age should not be on the authorities. Learning should not stop at a certain age and a cake Malthusian ethics must be discarded. The possibilities of the mysteries are far too large for one teacher I know that actually teach. My first wife and significant other for 25 years a World Congress of personality in the Who's Who of teaching. She was burned out and stop thinking when I met her. You will be after 35 years of teaching next year in retirement, I think.

Alfred North Whitehead and Kaoru Yamamoto of the last time know that educational researchers, which is not done - but they know why? There is a reason why we are encouraged to follow, instead of thinking. The Family Compact excluded Canada not long ago, and they are on record for saying the truth. Why educate the masses? It is only present more difficulty for those who support us in the administration? You are not benevolent paternalistic as they would have you believe. They are what would any compassionate observer of the witness Dr. Mengele. We may not violate Noam Chomsky, who was a pedagogical-psychological guru of the upper rank to teach before he began his lamentations on the CIA, and politicians. We can not accept the insidious nature of the social engineers such as Francis Fukuyama, who wrote The End of History and the Last Man. If we continue like this, we'll see what gives the title of his book. De Tocqueville was a keen observer of the future, as George Orwell and if we can not time travel just wrong and faint hope that the matrix is ​​pleasant.

They are aliens! Alien, the concept of brotherhood and love that was once widespread on Earth. Egalitarian ethics and the nurturing power of women is needed. Not women who imitate men, but women like Virginia Woolf, which I quoted in another article, as it against sovereign states, and male sex instincts shouted, as if they are derived from the same ethics or value system. But who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?

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